Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Aussie Terrier

This is an Aussie Terrier named Maggie. It sure looks like it is making a pretty nice pitch, huh? Mike sent me this dog's picture through email, and said something about how it helped win a no-hitter game. I wasn't sure if it was a joke or not, but it looks believeable, the way the dog has his "pitching arm" in throwing position. haha.

No one has been sending pictures in of their dogs. I am a little dissapointed. If you want to, the offer is still, and always up. My email is cara.ferguson06@gmail.com. Send the pics that way. Thanks Again!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he really does look like hes pitching...i love terriers they are so playful. Wilma got into a little running type game with a little terrier when we were on a walk the other day