Friday, July 28, 2006

Copper the AiredaleTerrier

Isn't this Airedale Terrier great? According to the Airedale Terrier is one of the top 50 most popular dogs.

My Friday is going alright, aside from the fact that I am pretty sure I am fighting a cold. I feel drained and can't really concentrate. I am definitely looking forward to the weekend. Especially tonight! Tonight I am going to hang out with Mike, Jeremy and Carey. We are going to cook up some good food, as designed by Carey, and then play some Scene-it. The rest of the weekend I am going to just relax so I can be better by Monday.

I hope you all have a great Friday and a great weekend!


KleoPatra said...

Hope yer feelin' better. I didn't know Airedales were so "pup" ular, Cara!

Anonymous said...

Aw,sooo cute! Can I have one?!?