Saturday, July 29, 2006

Brittany Spaniels

These pictures are of Brittany Spaniels.

An old friend of mine used to have one of these, its name was Roxie. It was sooo cute and soo sweet, just like these pups.
I am glad it is the weekend. I had a lot of fun last night with Carey and Jeremy. They made us a delicious vegan dinner. Mmmmm!! Soo good!!!!! And then we played Movie Scene-it, which I somehow won. I never even get more than one right, and I got enough right to win the game. It was awesome.

Today I slept in, and it was marvelous. I am going to do some errands today and go to dog park. Today I am going to do a lot relaxing, and enjoying of this lovely day off. My goal this weekend is just to relax. After feeling sick for two days I am going to make sure that I do not get completely sick. Wish me luck. And have a marvelous Saturday!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Copper the AiredaleTerrier

Isn't this Airedale Terrier great? According to the Airedale Terrier is one of the top 50 most popular dogs.

My Friday is going alright, aside from the fact that I am pretty sure I am fighting a cold. I feel drained and can't really concentrate. I am definitely looking forward to the weekend. Especially tonight! Tonight I am going to hang out with Mike, Jeremy and Carey. We are going to cook up some good food, as designed by Carey, and then play some Scene-it. The rest of the weekend I am going to just relax so I can be better by Monday.

I hope you all have a great Friday and a great weekend!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Lilu the Rhodesian Ridgeback

How cute is this Rhodesian Ridgeback? So adorable, and yet so playful!! Lilu was born on groundhog day, 2/2/02. She's a great dog and goes with her owners everywhere dogs are allowed. She's nearby during most of my wildlife photography, although she needs some breaks from the hottest summer weather.

I met a new puppy today, a next door neighbors actually. It is a German shorthaired pointer. I am going to take pictures of it as soon as I can. It is only 13 weeks old, but already bigger than Emily. haha.

I am feeling like I might be catching something so I am going to rest a bit tonight and load up on zinc and vitamin C. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bhutia's: A rare breed from India

These dogs are a rare breed, found more often in India. These dogs are in fact from India. Sixteen of them live together and have a lot of fun, or so it looks.
Life here is going pretty well. Today was crazy at work, like it always is. Oh well. But after work I was able to go to dog park with Emily. We got to see some pretty cool pups, including a Queensland Heeler mixed with wolf. It was a sweetheart!

I hope your Wednesday went well!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Giant Alaskan Malamute

This is a giant alaskan malamute.
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This guy is around 215lbs!!
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Holy cow, it is HUGE!
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This is a medium version of the GIANT alaskan malamute. This is only around 115lbs.
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THis is how they start out. Aww!!
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Yesterday I went for a run on the beach in Huntington Beach. We ran from the dog beach area until the pier in Huntington Beach with the Ruby's at the end. During this outing, Mike and I ran into a Giant Alaskan Malamute. At first we thought it was a wolf or something that was not really a dog. But the owners told us what it was and we sat looking at in awe. It was HUGE. They range from 115lb to 215lb, and I think this one was definitely in the 215lb area. There was a boy around four or five that was playing with it when he saw it again from across the street, and the dog was probably five times the kid. It was incredible to see this dog. Have any of you ever heard of this type of dog?