Friday, February 24, 2006

I want to stick my tounge out at YOU :-)

These pictures make me laugh. I thought you would like them to.

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This guy looks like he is pretty complacement. Not really sticking out his tounge in spite.

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This one looks like he forgot a little dog food on his upper lip.

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This one looks like he is thinking "Maybe if I stick my tounge out further they will let me keep this box!!"

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This one looks like he is trying to show off to his friends.

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This guy looks like he really needs a tissue instead.

Reminder... if you want your dog featured on this blog, just let me know via comment and I will give you my email so you can send me pictures of your dogs.


Anonymous said...

How cute! I love your pictures!

Anonymous said...

these are the best batch of your pictures yet, especially the pomeranian. I have a framed photo of my old black lab doing the same thing wwith her tongue, next to my bed. She sadly passed away 1 year ago. Her name was Tiger