Friday, March 03, 2006

An African Basenji mix named Wilma!

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Wilma is a 6 year old African Basenji mix, all brown, and she weighs 33 pounds. Shes got point ears that stick straight up, and a curly tail. Her owner, Jonathan, got her from the pound in ALbany when she was 2 in 2002. Somebody had her spayed and everything, but then couldn't keep her.

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According to Jonathan, "They had named her Kahlua(must have been college kids).. This was not a fit name for a lady so we renamed her Wilma. As a nickname we call her Vilms. Vilms is a very sweet girl, when the other dog we had at the time, a great old lab named Tiger, passed away Wilma got so depressed it seemed like she didn't get out of bed for a week, except to eat or drink."

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Wilma's favorite things are long runs out in the country, ice cream, vitamin doggy water and getting moisturizer rubbed onto her pads beneath her feet.

Wilma's picture was sent into me. You can send pictures of your dogs also into me. Just email me at Have a good day!!

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