Friday, April 07, 2006

Baby & Lance

These adorable pups are a friends of mine, Robert Johnson. I just got some stories about them. The one on the left is Baby, and the one on the right is Lance.

First I will tell you abou Baby. Robert and his girls, Heather and Adeline, picked out Baby from the dog pound. Robert said he was on the "last mile" and they just had to save her. The person at the Humane Society said he was found on a street called Montezuma and nobody had claimed him. Robert, the historian that he is, wanted to name is Zuma, after Montezuma. So Baby was called Zuma for about a day, until Adeline said that the dog should be named Baby, because it was her baby.

Now Lance was a slightly different story. Instead of saving Lance from the "last mile" they saved it from the chance of getting there. One of Robert's daughter's friends owned the dog but had to get rid of it because the apartment they were in wouldn't accept the dog anymore. So Robert thought that Baby probably needed a friend, so why not adopt this new one? So they did. It was named Lance, after Lance from N*Sync, one of his daughters favorite bands at the time.

Onto other news, today has been a hard day for me today because Emily is flying to Houston tomorrow and I am sad that I won't be able to see her for 2 months. Mike is coming down tonight, and we will all hang out together until 2pm tomorrow. Emily and Mike will be leaving on a jetplane tomorrow at 2:50pm. I hope they will be okay!! Well I am not really worried about Mike, just about Emily in the plane because it is such a change for her. I think I need to just stop worrying.

Aside from the fact that Emily is leaving on Saturday, I am still excited that I might be able to get more than 4 hours of sleep tomorrow. Woo hoo!!!

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