Saturday, April 08, 2006


This is how I feel right now... sad. Emily and Mike left for Houston about an hour ago. I know I only had her for a few days, but now I don't know what to do without a cute little puppy doing a dance for me everytime I get home. Also, I have no one to sleep with at night anymore :-(

It will be good, with her there and all, I will just have to get used to missing her until June.

Thanks again Diva and Dean for taking her in!! I appreciate it a lot!!

Have a good one everyone. I might take a nap and then do a LOT of homework tonight. As for now, I am so tired I am not sure I know how I am typing, or if it is even coherant.


  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I got another doggy bumper sticker for my car, this one dsays"Wag more, Bark Less"....Im still not entirely sure what it means but anything having to do with dogs is nice on my car

  2. Anonymous4:34 AM

    I feel for you. For years I was a "cats" only person. Since we got Rory, My whole thought process has changed. Not only do I now see dogs and cats differently. But dogs are more like little children then pets. So I can understand that you are missing your Little one, its like your child has gone away for awhile.

  3. Exactly! She is my baby! And it's hard without her.

    Thanks for the note!

    Have a good day!
