Monday, April 03, 2006

Lakeland Terrier

Here is a Lakeland Terrier

And here is a Lakeland Terrier puppy!

Don't these dogs just warm your heart!!

Today has been a crazy day, that I will fill you in about at some later point. It has been a good day for the most part, although everytime I leave Emily alone I feel really guilty!! I can't handle it. Do you think she notices much?

When I am gone I turn on Animal Planet for her, so she can watch animals all day. Maybe this way she can start to like animals, specifically dogs.

Sorry I posted so late, but again, today has been crazy!!

I have to go write two papers now, and still get up at 6am to do more. Eeek.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I love Terriers they seem to have the best of all the worlds a dog has
