Saturday, April 29, 2006

Scotch Collies

I want to squeeze this Scotch Collie puppy's cheeks!!

A dog truly in touch with its glam rock self, this Scotch Collie knows what it means to be 80s.

REMINDER!! : T-Minus 2 days untill the National Dognabbit.Blogspot Debut of it's new Monthly edition of Celebrity Dog-Look-Alikes!


"I 'Heart' My Collie" T-shirt

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Rory would love to play with this doggie. Then again she wants to play with all puppies and dogs. EXCEPT yesterday when i went for a walk on our property. The neighbors have 2 very loud guard dogs (shepherds). When Rory heard them she bolted. I spent an hour in the woods calling for her only to find her back at the farm house lying on the porch. mmmmm
    Kelly and Rory
