Monday, May 22, 2006


This week I may not be able to update because I do not have internet until next Wednesday and only have access to this now because I am at my friend Teddy's house to watch the Sun's game.

I graduated on Saturday, which was pretty awesome. I got to hang out with the family, the boy (mike) and Molly. On Sunday, my family and mike and molly helped me move. It did not take very long, compared to what it would have without the help. Thanks everyone!

Today I drove mike to the airport, and had to wake up at 330am to do it. After that I went to my first day of work. That turned out well, although I am very tired!!

I am about to watch the Sun's game, and have a wicked knot on my head, I think due to stress, otherwise I have huge glands and will be sick soon. Let's hope it is just stress.

Have fun, and root for the Sun's!!

ps: sorry for the future and current lack of updates. Blame Time Warner.

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