Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Cairn Terriers!

These puppies make me giddy!!
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This puppy looks like a cousin of Emily.
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My roommate is finally back! I have been busy catching up with her, and doing work! Also, only 10 more days of classes for me, aside from finals. Everything seems to all be due at once, so I am also in a frenzy getting all of that done!

Also, can you please vote for me at Dogmark.Net for best Dog Site of the Month if you have a chance?!


Cairn Terrier Framed Poster

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Wilma had a abd day today because it rained all day, so she didnt get as many walks....Red Sox-Yankee game got rained out which is huge in the Northeast...anyways me and wilma got some nice roughhousing play time today so i hope that made her happy, and i gave her some chicken from my dinner
