Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bagle Hound

This is a Bagle Hound. It is part basset hound and part beagle. I think I might die of cuteness!!

Today, was again nuts. I worked, I got a fantastic haircut from my friend Carey, worked, then went home. When I was driving home from work though, my phone decided to die. I decided I would go to a Spint store before I got home. So I finally found one, and then find out that when the hours on the front of the door say that it is open until 8pm, that it actually means 7pm. As you probably already guessed it was only a few minutes after 7 when I got there. Fantastic, right? Then, I go home and finally find Mike (he was walking Emily). So I decide to call another Sprint store nearby. When I call I hear the annoying robotic voice saying what their store hours are (open until 8pm of course), and how to get there, and all the other annoying things that are all a conspiracy to waste your minutes (and how convienant that at a Sprint store they do that). Finally a human picks up, and when she does she answers with "Sprint AFTER HOURS" (really bitchy, of course). So I have to say how come all your hours say 8!?! And she was like we close at 7, goodbye. Fantastic. Make me hate Sprint EVEN more.

Anyway, the gym was skipped tonight, and I will have to pay for a phone that will probably cost me around 50 bucks tomorrow on my lunch break. Fun Fun.

But, on the bright side of things, I got a kick ass haircut today, and I am loving it!! Thanks Carey!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I suggest Verizon...Ive had them for 4 years now...LOVE THEM!

    PS... Rory wants a Bagle Hound to play with

