Saturday, July 29, 2006

Brittany Spaniels

These pictures are of Brittany Spaniels.

An old friend of mine used to have one of these, its name was Roxie. It was sooo cute and soo sweet, just like these pups.
I am glad it is the weekend. I had a lot of fun last night with Carey and Jeremy. They made us a delicious vegan dinner. Mmmmm!! Soo good!!!!! And then we played Movie Scene-it, which I somehow won. I never even get more than one right, and I got enough right to win the game. It was awesome.

Today I slept in, and it was marvelous. I am going to do some errands today and go to dog park. Today I am going to do a lot relaxing, and enjoying of this lovely day off. My goal this weekend is just to relax. After feeling sick for two days I am going to make sure that I do not get completely sick. Wish me luck. And have a marvelous Saturday!


  1. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Wilma was lonely most of the day but in the evening she had plenty of company

  2. Brittanys are beautiful. Great pix, Cara!
