Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Puginese - (Pekingese / Pug mix)

These puppies are Puginese, a Pekingese / Pug mix. They are pretty cute! Has anyone seen any of these in person? I would love it.

Life here has been hectic. I visited my family on Sunday, for my little brother’s birthday. Yesterday I had to work late and then do laundry and grocery shopping. Geesh.

Today should be a little more relaxing. I hope. I hope I can finally work out tonight. It actually sounds fun.

I hope everyone has been doing well. I wish you a great Tuesday!


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    I have a pugineese who looks very different. I will send a picture when I work out how.

  2. Anonymous4:41 AM


    On here is a picture of Quentin

  3. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Quentin looks more like a pug than a pekingese. I was looking at other pugineses that looked just like pugs. The pugineses featured on this page look like a pug pekingese mix. They are so adorable. I have a handsome purebred pug named Omar. If we mated Omar with a pekigese we wanted to call the puppies Pek-a-pugs. Alicia Arol

  4. haha I love it! Pek-a-pugs is great!

  5. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I have a fawn pek-a-pug, and I love him! My husband and I now want to buy a black one.

  6. Anonymous8:56 PM

    jzme said...

    I am considering adopting a beautiful black puginese 16 months old. (I already love her but I do live in a small apartment and I want not only to understand her but to be sure I can give her the
    best quality of life before I make the commitment.) I am willing to
    give her the stimulation she will need but I do work long days three days a week and worry about her alone time which will be 8 hour stretches on 3 days a week.) How can I make the best life for her...
    even if it means letting her go...

  7. Anonymous9:39 PM

    OH MY GOD!!! My fiance and i have bought a pekignese puppy but our friends always asked us:"Are you sure she isn't half a pug?" We never thought that this mix of breed existed until we came upon this web site. No wonder our Mima is the cutest ever!

  8. Anonymous5:01 PM

    we have puginese puppies for sale

  9. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Aww hes soo cute ! My boyfriend and i got a pikingese/pug dog. its soo adorible !! I think mixed breeds come out cutier !!

  10. Anonymous6:47 PM

    The pictures make you say AHHHHHH! just looking at them makes you want one, my daughter in Colorado has one, named Wesley & he thinks he is the Boss,these Pigs mixtures are the best new breed in a long time I adore Wesley, the name fits him. mamabird113

  11. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I have just bought a 11 week Puginese pup who we have named Lola. She is absolutely adoreable. She has the bubbly traits of a pug and yet she has the chilled aspects of a pekingese which is perfect for us. Already she has a fantastic, cheeky and fun personality and she always wants cuddles and love. She is the best decision we ever made!
    We too only have a very small 1 bed house but the fantastic thing about this combination of breeds is that they are not heavy exercise dogs and are suitable for apartments. We both work full time for a living but do pop home on our lunch breaks. We have also rearranged our home and put in a MASSIVE playpen with her bed, toys, training pads and so much more to keep her entertained - who cares if we are now scrunched up in a corner? She is worth it!
