Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Pitbull: Ms. Lucy

This is a pitbull named Ms. Lucy. Isn't she so charismatic?

Ender Update: Ender is doing a lot better today. He is still keeping all his food and water down, and is even off his IV now. If everything goes well tonight my little boy is coming home tomorrow. I am beyond happy about this. We knew parvo was such a horrible wretched virus that we got really scared. Thanks for all the prayers and concerns from all of you. I have been a mess the past few days and Ender getting better means the world to me. It has been a week now that we have had Ender officially, and although it seems like it has been a short time, we are still beyond in love with Ender. Emily misses him too. She has been staring out the window every night for Ender. It is adorable.

I also wanted to give a special thanks to Mike's parents for all their help and concerns. It means the world to us, and especially Ender. Thank you for allowing Ender to have a chance at life!

Also, if anyone has a puppy, please be careful to keep it isolated, as if it is in a little bubble until it is done with its 3rd set of shots. It can mean life or death for the little thing.

Ender did not get parvo from our neighborhood, but rather his original owner. I am not sure what she did with her pups, but they were not in their own little isolated bubble. I am waiting to hear back from her. I wanted to warn her that all her little puppies probably had this horrible virus too and they needed care immediately but she was unable to get ahold of. I hope they all turned out alright because if they are anything like Ender, they must also be amazing.

While Ender comes home tomorrow, Mike will be flying out to Houston to visit his parents. He will be gone until Tuesday morning. I am glad that Ender was able to get better just in time for Mike to be able to visit his family. It should be a good trip for them. I wish I could go, but of course work always gets in the way of everything ;-)


  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Aww, there's my baby girl! =) Thanks for sharing her!

    Sorry to hear about your dog having Parvo =( My Mother in law's baby Pit had Parvo years ago and she made it safe and sound. I hope yours finds the strength to stay healthy!

    -Melissa aka Coral11

  2. get better, doggie! teddy sent me to send you well wishes!! :o)
