Saturday, September 30, 2006

Random Emily and Ender pictures

They try their best to be camera friendly. :-)
Ender loves the dirt. Fortunate for fleas and photos, unfortunate for our carpet. hah.
When Ender sleeps, he dreams of being a super hero.
Emily loves kissing, especially Michael!!
Ender shows off his teeth.
The little cuties sleep on the couch all the time right next to each other. And yes, we know, they are very spoiled.
Emily loves me, and I love Emily!!
I hope you enjoy all the pictures I posted today. I hope they weren't too many. This is what I do when I am procrastinating going to the gym. hahah. I think I should head off to it now.


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I love Ender......Wilma had a bad day today, it rained all day so she didnt get a long walk

  2. Emily and Ender don't get walks until Ender gets all his shots. They dont like that very much, especially Emily.

    I am sorry Wilma had a bad day. I hope yours was better.

  3. Great pix, and yer doggies... i love 'em!!
