Monday, April 28, 2008


One of my readers sent in her cute dog named Buster. How cute is he?

If you would like to send in a picture of your dog please email me at cara[dot]ferguson[at] I encrypted that a bit so no crazy spammer gets my email address. I hope it makes sense. If not, leave me a comment.

I hope everyone has been doing well. I have been really busy. Things always seem to happen at once, and that is what is going on now.

The pups are still sorta sick. We are taking them to the vet tomorrow, because they *might* have worms. Overall they seem perfectly normal, just not the digestion of their food, if you get what I mean.

Mike's birthday is coming up pretty soon. I think we are going to go bowling. I am pretty excited for it.

Have a great week!


  1. Hi Cara,
    I was just thinking about how cute it was to have Buster's picture on your blog :) Thank you for putting that up.
    I just found out he has cancer (hemangiopericytoma). I have an appt with a specialist tomorrow and they may actually do surgery tomorrow (either attempt removal of the tumor or possibly amputate the leg). It's breaking my heart. You're an animal lover so I'm sure you can understand.

    I just wanted to thank you for putting his pics up.


  2. Hi Cara,
    I was just thinking about how cute it was to have Buster's picture on your blog :) Thank you for putting that up.
    I just found out he has cancer (hemangiopericytoma). I have an appt with a specialist tomorrow and they may actually do surgery tomorrow (either attempt removal of the tumor or possibly amputate the leg). It's breaking my heart. You're an animal lover so I'm sure you can understand.

    I just wanted to thank you for putting his pics up.


  3. I'm sorry for the multiple entries Cara! I thought I was typing the word verification code wrong and that's why my comment wasn't showing up.

  4. that is awful to hear! With a name like Buster, I am sure he can just Bust it out of his system. My thoughts are with you and Buster. Keep me updated on his condition and let me know if I can do anything!

  5. Thanks Cara.
    I'm going to work on creating a blog about Buster and his journey through this. Some of the most helpful information I found online about this was through personal websites or blogs so I'm hoping one day, my blog can help someone else to deal with this.
    Once I get it set up, I'll send you the link and maybe you could post it on your blog.

  6. Hi Cara, I started Buster's blog. The link is: Thanks!!
