Thursday, June 26, 2008

I've Moved!!

Bee Leaping from Sculpture Falls, originally uploaded by Tholal.

The reason I haven't written in a LONG time is because I have been ridiculously busy getting a plan together and a solution to move to Austin, Texas. Mike got into the film grad school program at UT Austin and so we had to make a plan to move. It was hush hush for awhile due to the job situation, but now that I am officially here, there is nothing to be quiet about.

We got into Austin on June 3rd and have been loving every second of it. I love my new job, my new place and I LOVE the area where I live. There are a ton of outdoor trails nearby, ones that I love to run at and ones the dogs love to go on. We have been going on a ton of walks, or hikes rather with the dogs. They have even ventured into some of the lakes, like the one pictured abobe which is really close to where we live.

Do any of you live in Austin, Texas? If so, want to hang out with me and my pups? :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey stranger, what are you doing now for work?
