Monday, September 01, 2008

This is Darlynn

This is Darylynn. She is a beltie (sheltie/beagle) and is 7 years old. She is quite the cutie! Thank you Alyce for sending the picture in! Give her a big hug for me :-)


  1. Just ran across your blog! I went to school in Austin so I can attest to its greatness - Enjoy the outdoor activities! We're still working on getting them here in Dallas...

  2. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Back in Oct of 07 I was given a dog as a birthday gift. His name was puddin pop(he came with it) and all I could figure out was that he was a lab and corgi mix. I never knew there was other out there like him. I do know the breeder whom I had gotten him from and if anyone eles is interested I can pass along the messege. sadly I had to give puddin up due to having to move out of texas and back to california. Grrr.. To me he was the best dog I've ever owned. I do have pictures of him if you like to post them, just give me a e-mail address to send them to..



  3. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Congratulations on your great blog! We'd like to invite you to join our DogTime Blog Network.

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    Thanks, and we hope you Find Your Wag!
