Saturday, February 25, 2006

Dog Studying

This is what I am doing today. I am writing a paper on Desperate Housewives". I am trying to get it out of the way, so I can enjoy the rest of my weekend, but it is really hard. I am at the library at Cal State Long Beach and people, well really just one lady, is yapping away on her cell-phone. And, I am not even able to use a Word Program on this computer.

This is what I feel like right now. The paper is so close to being actually worked on, but I am increasingly losing any motivation I once had due to this lack of technology and the annoying lady talking to her kids about their court dates and how abortion is a sin.

Anyway, wish me luck, and next time you are at the library, please, PLEASE, do not take a million phone calls on your cell phone and then let it ring LOUDLY, everytime that you don't feel like picking up the phone. Thanks :-)


Anonymous said...

i do that with my dog all the time...i put books by her when she is laying down to give that time i took a picture that made her look like she was typing on the computer....i have some pictures of her(wilma) i will send to you i dont know when i will have them by though

Unknown said...

I cant wait to see them!!

Email them to me at

Anonymous said...

you're a cutie!

love the dog studying pic : )

Anonymous said...

what's the color of temptation?