Tuesday, August 15, 2006


As I am sure you all know, this is a Pug. And what a character this pug is!

Ender Update: Ender was transferred to a hospital last night and is still there. He will probably be there for a few days. The vet called this morning and said that Ender has been keeping his fluids down and that he was barking and looked bright and perky. They are going to start him on water today, and see if he can keep down nutrients. They said the outlook is promising and that he is responding well to the treatment. We are hoping for the best. I will get to see him in a little over an hour and a half and cannot wait. My poor little guy is all alone in an isolation unit and needs some Cara and Mike love :-)

Keep crossing your fingers for Ender to recover!


Anonymous said...

Ender is such a cute puppy, I really really hope everything is going to be okay. You were very good puppy parents to watch her so close and get her to the vet so quickly. I'm keeping my fingers and toes and elbows and knees all crossed for good luck!

Teddy's mom

funwithyourfood said...

I loove ender cara and mikey! I know ender's going to make it :) Not a doubt in my heart

