If you are interested in finding out more about dog breeds you should check out this site. Here you can find out about 157 AKC recognized dog breeds>. I am obsessed with this information because I always want to know more. When I go to dog park there are always different kinds of dogs and I like to know all about them. Once I see a new breed that I have never seen before I always go home and look up information on the breed. In fact, that is how Mike and I decided on getting Ender instead of a border collie. We saw that the border collie had some tendencies that would not bode well with apartment life and our schedules.
This site is pretty cool because it also shows pictures of the different kinds of dogs. You can find out their temperament, their life expectancy, their country of origin, etc. This site is great to have on hand if you are interested in dog breeds or are just trying to find out what type of dog is good for you and/or your family.
Again, for great information on dog breeds go to BreedRetriever.com.
Have a great day everyone! Tonight I get to spend my time paying my taxes that were due a few weeks ago. eeek!
I loved all the puppy pictures. They are just adorable. I have a site on all natural feeding, if you're interested in doing a link exchange.
send me and email at cara.ferguson06 [at] gmail.com. I would love to see the site :-)
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