Thursday, January 19, 2006

"I'm a Hound Dog"

This dog reminds me of Copper on Fox and the Hound. That is pretty much one of my favorite movies, despite the fact that it is pretty sad. Todd and Copper are just soooo cute in the movie, especially the voices they have for them as puppies.

This dog was great. It had a lot of fun in the water later on too. It looks like it is still a puppy. Do you see how large his paws are?

So if you were wondering about my first day of school, it went alright. It seems as if it will be a LOT of work, but I suppose I can manage. There are still three classes that I haven't been to yet because two of them don't start until Monday and Tuesday. Today I go to one new class, with one of my favorite teachers at San Diego State University. I am really glad that I got this class!

Alright, I need to head out now, I have a LOT to do today.

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