Friday, January 27, 2006

Name this Dog!!

This dog sure is pretty. It looks pretty well-behaved also. If only I could have a dog now...

Dog Trivia

The gigantic Irish Wolfhound is so strong that he can pick up a Mastiff or Bulldog. When he was pitted against either in a fight, he would pick his opponent up by the back and simply shake him to death.

I am so excited that it is Friday. Woo hoo!!! I cannot wait to sleep in tomorrow!! I also got one of my more time consuming projects done last night while I watched the Suns beat the Heat. So now I have even less to do for homework this weekend.I am going up to Long Beach tonight, and then not coming back until Monday morning I think. I am not sure, because now I have school too in the morning and I might be too tired, but we will see.Have a good weekend!!

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