Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Groundhog Day!!

Groundhog Day: Six more weeks of the warmest winter ever

The groundhog saw his shadow today, which means our warm winter will continue.

In San Diego, our winter has been on average 65 degrees everyday, which is the temperature for a lot of places in the summer. I love it. I wish it was as warm as our summer though, everyday of the year.

In Doggie News.....

The Shar Pei breed comes from the Guangzhou province of China where it was well-known as a fighting and guard dog. The dogs were bred with wrinkles for their advantages in fighting; if the dog was bitten on a wrinkle, it could still turn around and bite back. At one point they were close to extinction, and were listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as "The rarest dog in the world". Since then, however, the Shar Pei has begun to thrive in many parts of the world as an excellent family dog, due to their loving and devoted nature.

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