Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bhutia's: A rare breed from India

These dogs are a rare breed, found more often in India. These dogs are in fact from India. Sixteen of them live together and have a lot of fun, or so it looks.
Life here is going pretty well. Today was crazy at work, like it always is. Oh well. But after work I was able to go to dog park with Emily. We got to see some pretty cool pups, including a Queensland Heeler mixed with wolf. It was a sweetheart!

I hope your Wednesday went well!


  1. Very gorgeous pups!

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Hi - I'm the owner of the dogs in this post! Just to tell you that the count is now up to 18 - yes, EIGHTEEN bhutias all living under the same roof! You can see more photos on
    Thanks for posting!

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Hello ...I want to have a Bhutia puppy. Contact me on 9884970202.

  3. I love your pups they look adorable!!

    For some reason I forgot to add a source to the page. Oops. I normally do it. I will do that now!

    Thanks for the comment!

  4. Miss. S12:30 PM

    I have a Bhutia dog, they are one of the most loving and protective breeds ever. <3
