Sunday, August 13, 2006

Akita Inu

This is an Akita Inu. How happy does this pup look?

I hope you all had a great weekend. My friend Andrea was in town and we had a lot of fun.

On Friday night Andrea, Mike grabbed some dinner and then watched the "Break-up" at the dollar theater. Then on Saturday we went to the beach and to a movie release party for the movie The Wedding Video that Mike worked on.

Sadly, Ender and Emily were both sick on Saturday. I think it is from these bones we got for them. Warning do not give puppies or dogs that eat bones ravenously Velvet Bones. They are not good for them.

Emily ate 2 velvet bones in 2 hours. One was meant for Ender and one for her. The jealous pup she is she wouldn't allow Ender to eat much of his, which was better for Ender, but not for her.

After the bone eating incident on Friday night, they both got sick on Saturday. Emily hardly ate anything all day but acted normal. Ender, on the other hand didn't eat anything at all, all day Saturday until 6am Sunday morning. And Ender just slept ALL day. I am still worried about him, but he is eating now (not as much as usual though) and drinking lots of water and running around biting everything in site (basically acting like a real healthy puppy). We have to take him to the vet anyway on Thursday for his first set of shots, but don't worry, I am definitely calling the vet tomorrow to see if I should take any other precautions.

I was up every 2 hours last night trying to get Ender to drink wate and eat some food. I am very tired today, but that was worth it, if it helped at all in getting Ender to eat again.

This is what Ender did ALL day yesterday:

If anyone has advice, please shell it out :-)

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