Friday, August 11, 2006

Wheaten Terrier

This is a Wheaten Terrier. How adorable!!

I hope everyone is doing well. Life here is good, yet busy. With a little pup to take care my evenings go a lot faster than I ever remember before. hah. Mike is being the best about it though, and is taking really good care of Ender during the day, even though he has a final to study for. I am sure that boy will pull off 100% like always despite the circumstances ;-)

My friend Andrea will be in town this weekend. We plan to hang out tonight, cook some good food and watch Entourage, season 3, or go to the dollar theater and see "The Break-up". The rest of the weekend consists of either the beach, the park, or something free because pay day is not for a couple of days.

Anyway, have a great weekend!

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