Monday, August 21, 2006

Ender is back!!!!

Ender was able to come back from the hospital today.
His legs still have the shaven look from the IVs, but he still has his cute little smile.

The only problem with him being here, is that he isn't allowed to play, but it is hard to keep this guy quiet. He has the sharpest teeth ever, and an adorable little bark that is hard to ignore. I am going to try to put him to sleep in a few minutes. He needs it.

Emily is a little on the overwhelmed side, but she is dealing rather nicely. She is really sweet with Ender, although she does show him who is boss.
Ender laid down for a little bit tonight, hopefully he will be able to sleep tonight!
Thank you everyone for your prayers. I really appreciated it, and still do. He still is not perfect, and it will be a tough few weeks, giving him his medicine so often, and trying to calm him down enough to get some rest, but I think we will all pull through.

I am beyond happy right now, having both my pups home. I will be even happier when Mike gets here tonight. :-)


  1. YEA!!! This is the first blog I checked this morning and it's full of good news. Excellent!
    Keep us updated on his progress.

  2. YAY YAY!!!

    I'm so happy
    I'm serious about having an ender party!


  3. I am so happy to hear the news. I didn't know what was going on until a few minutes ago, Cara!!

  4. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Hurrah for Ender!!!Im so happy hes doing better!
