Sunday, August 20, 2006

My Babies

Ender is still in the hospital but is on an upward swing into recovery. His white blood cells are going up, although his immature white blood cells (neutrophils) are not as high as the doctor would like to see. By tomorrow, he will probably be back to normal.

Today when I went to visit him (once in the morning and once in the evening) he wanted sooo much to leave. He was crying to walk around and explore the office, although the little cutie is not allowed to move around much, due to his contagious factors. He was running around like crazy today, playing with his puppy toy, which you can see in the pictures, and biting the heck out my rubber gloves. What a cutie pie.

Now onto my other cutie face, Emily. Emily has been extremely spoiled all weekend. She has been laying around, getting lots of love, eating lots of bones and wishing she was at dog park.

I could tell that she missed Mike this morning, when I took this picture. She got on the bed and watched the tv, just like Mike does at night. Poor little girl is without her little brother and Mike. But, I am definitely trying to make up for that.

I hope you all have had a great weekend. Mine was as good as circumstances would allow. I was able to get a lot of errands done, some relaxing, and was also able to spend a lot of time with my pups. Supposedly Ender will come home tomorrow, so I am crossing my fingers. Mike gets back tomorrow night, technically tuesday morning (12am), which will be fantastic if Ender gets back tomorrow too. Then I will have both my boys back home. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! That is fantastic news. Really good to hear. Poor Ender with that cone on though. They look so pitiful wearing those things. I hope you gets lots of hugs and cuddling in with Ender, Emily and Mike. It will be so nice to have the family all together.
