Friday, August 18, 2006

Ender Update

Ender was not allowed to go home yesterday because his white blood cell count has been decreasing and they wanted to keep an eye on it. Turns out that his white blood cell count is still decreasing, and is now below normal, which is a bad sign for dogs with Parvo. They said they want to keep him overnight again. He can’t go home until his white blood cell count goes up. If he doesn’t get better within a few days they might even have to go as far as giving him a blood plasma transfusion.

I am pretty upset right now, because all I want to hear is good news. They said that he looks perfectly normal and is acting like a puppy, but keeping track of his white blood cell count is especially important right now. If he ends up getting some sort of infection right now he could turn for the worse really fast with his white blood cell count so low. They need to keep him there until he has his own protective immunity.

I hope my little boy gets better. It is so heartbreaking to see him have to stay at the hospital with the IVs and everything.


  1. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I sincerely hope everything gets better friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you :)

  2. Oh my God Cara! I would be a total basket case. Seriously. I would want to sleep on the vet's floor just to be close to my dog. I can't imagine how you're holding up. Having friend's like Teddy around must be a comfort. Prayers for Ender and hugs to you!

  3. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Lots of good thoughts being sent your way for dear sweet Ender. Hugs!!!


  4. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Ill say a prayer for Ender tonight
