Saturday, August 19, 2006


Everyone knows what these are: Collies! Aren't these two gorgeous?

Ender Update: Ender was supposed to come home today, but he did not. Although his white blood cells went up a bit, which would normally allow him to go home, his immature white blood cells are still not up, and there are signs of anemia still, caused possibly by his immune system destroying his red blood cells. We are hoping that it was an error and that he will be able to come home tomorrow. I saw Ender twice today, both for at least an hour each. He acted like the Ender I knew, from the first day I met him. He was such a sweetheart and VERY engergetic. He has this stuffed dog that he plays with endlessly, and all the assistants and even my vet LOVES him.

I love my vet there, but tomorrow she is finally taking a day off and will not be there. I am dissapointed because she knows everything about how Ender has been, because she has been on the case for the past 6 days. But after working for 6 days straight with 12-hour shifts she deserves a day off. I hope Ender will be able to be released tomorrow. But I am still crossing my fingers. The way he acts though, I just get a sense that he will be just fine, which eases my worries for the most part.

The rest of the day I have been hanging out with Emily. Right now she is on a mission to catch this really annoying fly. I am not about to stop her. :-)


  1. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Mike and I have good thoughts for your little puppy. I am so sorry that he got sick. Please keep us up todate. We are worried for you too. :( sending guardian angels to protect little Ender.
    Love your myspace friend Kelly

  2. Crossing my fingers for Ender to come home tomorrow. Sounds like he's making good progress. That's encouraging news.
    We have a lovely collie in our building. She's black, brown and white. She's so friendly and wants to be petted by everyone. If you stop petting her, she cries. Simon and this collie cannot STAND each other. It's crazy! There's just something about the other one that they both do not like. The barking and growling that goes on is insane. Last week I was taking Simon out and the collie was outside but came to the door as if to come in and those two went off like they were wild. They were both body slamming the door from either side, and barking and growling like mad. The glass in the door was covered with dog saliva (mmm, yum). Simon had a strip of hair standing up from his neck to his tail. The collie's owner mouthed "I'll go to the other door." We just sort of shrug and deal with it. She's a nice lady too. But those two dogs....I don't know.

  3. Damn collie. I hate that bitch.
