Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A New Addition to the Dognabbit Family: ENDER!!

To all you Orson Scott Card fans out there you'll enjoy the new addition to our family: ENDER. Those who are not fans feel free to enjoy anyway.My first photo with my new puppy family!
Mike ham's it up with the camera with Emily and Ender. aww.
What a ham!!!
Time for rest!
Isn't that intimidating? hahah.
Ender's ID tag looks bigger than his ears.
Already on the lookout!
On Ender's first night away from his mommy, Emily joined him in his kennel. They slept together all night. Ender actually didnt even wake us up all night. Emily is such a sweetie!!
Aww Ender is already a Daddy's boy.
The bowl is actually bigger than Ender. hahaha.
Ender had some good times with the mirror this morning. She really thought there was another dog there! hahah.
Emily and Ender are smelling each other out. I think we knew that they liked each other when Emily allowed Ender to drink her water.
Aww they like each other!!

Mike and I had thought about getting a new puppy for several months. We have been looking seriously for the past few weeks. We decided Emily needed a friend to entertain her, and we knew we would be up for the challenge.

We got Ender yesterday. Ender is a 2 month old male West Highland White Terrier. Yes, we have a Westie family now :-) Ender is one of six pups, and of course, the cutest. :-)

It has been a lot of work the past 24 hours because Ender is definitely not house trained, and it took awhile for Emily to like Ender. But now Ender and Emily get along really well, except when Ender tries to beat up on Emily.

You will probably be getting a lot more photos of these two, because puppies are not puppies for long! We are taking Ender's puppydom in as much as we can!

If anyone has puppy advice or house training advice please let me know :-)

1 comment:

  1. I met Ender I met Ender!
    The cutest little thing ever
    You need to submit photos to
    Your pics are better than mine. Did you look at mine??

