Sunday, November 19, 2006

Basset Griffon!!

This Basset Griffon makes me laugh! I love it!!

I got my passport the other day now I just have to get my Visa. This should happen by Tuesday I hope. Wish me luck :-)


Jill Bryant said...

I can't believe it. I have met one of these!!! A woman a few streets away has one and it IS so cute. I asked her what kind of mix it was and she said - no - it's a purebred and told me the name but I couldn't remember it. She rescued it because it was so cute and sweet and goofy and then she found out it was actually a real breed. It has a funny rolling walk (breed - specific to this dog?), puts up with Honey but, unfortunately is getting on in years so doesn't like to play...

Do you have any Brazil itinerary yet?

Unknown said...

I wish I had met one of them! They look soo adorable!!!

As for Brazil, I have the iternerary and will not be getting the paperwork started for the visa tomorrow :-)