Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I was told that this was a Lapinkoira, although I could not find it on DogBreedInfo.com. Have you heard of this dog before?

Today was much better than yesterday! Ender was able to see the vet, which relieved us (we were afraid he might have worms). They told us that we need to keep his teeth clean and gave him a de-worming shot. They said that he looks healthy and he is weighing in now at 12.5 lbs! He is getting to be a big boy!

After that Mike and I went out to dinner at a mexican food place in Orange County that is actually good! That was surprising! Now we are going to go relax and spend time together before he leaves for Houston for 7 days :-(


Anonymous said...


yes, this is a Lapinkoira dog. These dogs are really great dogs very friendly, great family dogs. They protect their garden, they are very friendly to humans. WE had two dogs of that breed. One became 14 years old and the other one was 15 years old. Great typical nordic dogs. There also exist the swedish laponian dogs but they are black. If you go into google and search for lapinkoira dogs you really get quite a number of homepages. Sorry but most of these homepages are in finnish language only.
Anyway lots of greetings from Germany Sabine

Anonymous said...

The English name for them is Finnish Lapphund, and as you can see they're lovely, with a great temperament as Sabine mentioned.

We're hoping to get one soon, which is quite tricky as they're rare here in the UK.

Anyone who's thinking about getting a new dog should certainly think about a Lappie - much more interesting than your average dopey Labrador / Retriever.
