Thursday, March 08, 2007

Shorty the Yorkie

Watch this video and see one smart & adorable little Yorkie!

I can't believe Friday is already tomorrow. I am very excited for the week to be over, if not only because I might be able to get a little sleep!

Tonight Teddy is coming over, and we are going to watch girly television. Sounds like a plan to me.

By the way, Ender and Emily just ate an article of clothing of mine. That is new. Never before have they eaten clothing, just shoes. BOO. At least it was an almost cheap article of clothing.

By the way, does anyone have tips on how to make your puppy stop barking so much? We have tried putting coins in a can and shaking it, and spraying water on Ender, but he just wants to play with us more. I try to ignore him sometimes so he will stop, but it is hard to teach him by ignoring when I have neighboords 2 feet from my front door.


Unknown said...

making sure my comments work

Anonymous said...

That Yorkie is too cute! I have a Yorkie, and there is no way he'd "consent" to learning all that stuff! LOL He's VERY independent-minded, and considers himself much too good for tricks. LOL!

KleoPatra said...

I hope you're doing well, Cara! Let us know how your din-din with Teddy went, if you would.

Not sure how to keep pups' barking at bay... Here's something i was just looking at:


Unknown said...

The time with Teddy was great. We ended up not eating together, but we got some real quality girl time :-)

How are you doing?

Thanks so much for the comments. I really appreciate them!

Unknown said...

Oh also, thanks for the article I will give it a try.

C. D. Eagle said...

Another thing that sometimes works is...well, I don't know if you use a clicker, but it makes life easier. First, put a normal bark on a queue ("speak" is what Noah knows). Only reward barking if it's queued. "Rewarding" barking doesn't just mean petting or food. A reward to a dog is anything from a word spoken in an even tone of voice to eye contact. Often, if a dog is given a queue for barking and realizes that barking is only rewarded on queue, they'll greatly reduce the amount of barking they do without a queue. However, be cautious of intermittent reinforcement. Intermittent reinforcers (sporadically rewarding for a behavior) make that behavior in that scenario more likely to reoccur. In fact (sort of as an aside) if you reinforce a properly performed "Sit" every time it happens, the response to sit becomes less reliable than if you only reinforce it every 4th - 7th time. Crazy? I think so.