Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Doggie Barking

Dog Trivia

Dalmatian puppies are born solid white but develop spots as they get older.


It is FREEZING in my house. It always feels like there MUST be a window open, but there isn't. I think the windows let the cold air in though. I wonder if it is colder in here than outside.

Anyway, today will be a long day. I am giving working out aftermy night class a try tonight. I am not sure how it will work out, because I don't know how busy the gym will be and if I am too tired at that point. But waking up at 530am when it is freezing outside doesn't work very well either.

Oh yeah, I had a dream last night that I was recruited to throw a Pee Wee Herman party. It was supposed to be pretty funny. When I woke up and I had to really think about whether it was true or not, because if so, I don't have time for that.

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